The Epiphany season ends with the Transfiguration of Jesus on the mountaintop. On that day, the disciples saw Jesus change before their eyes. He shone like the sun, and was suddenly accompanied by Elijah and Moses, as God spoke from the cloud, saying “This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him.” From that day, Jesus began his final journey to Jerusalem where he would be crucified and then rise from the dead 3 days later. Although the disciples didn’t realize it, in His Transfiguration, Jesus was giving them a glimpse of “the end of the story.”
For the Church, Transfiguration Day marks the last time we will sing or say “Alleluia” during worship until Easter. There are no “Alleluias” during Lent, as we walk with Jesus toward Holy Week.
This year, you (and your family) are invited to make an Alleluia banner that you will carry into church during the Processional on Transfiguration Day. You will leave this banner before the altar during this service, and then take the banner into the narthex during the recessional – where it will stay throughout Lent. And then, on Easter, you will bring your banner back to the altar during the Easter Processional.
To make your banner you will need:
– one 3/8 x 12” dowel
– one 3/8 x 36“ dowel
– one strip of white felt 12” x 36”
– one yard of ribbon
– three thumb tacks
– glue
Letters to spell “Alleluia” (in bright yellow or other Easter color)
Designs of your choice, to accompany the “Alleluia”: trumpets. musical notes, lilies, flowers, empty crosses, Easter eggs, butterflies, candles (made from any material you wish … felt is easy to work with)
You can see sample Transfiguration banners hanging from the coat rack in the Narthex.
If you and your family made a Transfiguration Banner in the past, it will be hanging in the narthex, Please check your banner to see if it needs any repairs (and be sure your family’s name is written on the back of the banner)