Giving Financially to Holy Trinity


Dear Parish Family:

A “steward” is simply someone who is trusted to manage what belongs to someone else.  At worship, we are reminded that each of us has been entrusted by God to manage a portion of what belongs to Him.

The Lord is the one who actually owns all that we possess.  We are entrusted to be stewards of behalf of God.  As His stewards, we simply manage and administer things on His behalf.  He entrusts possessions to us and then holds us accountable for their use.  The recognition that God owns it all is crucial in allowing Jesus Christ to become Lord of our life — which includes our money and possessions.

This year Commitment Weekend will be the second weekend in November. This will be the Saturday and Sunday when we pledge financial gifts to the church. These gifts are our way to show our love to the Lord and help to spread his gospel through the various activities and ministries that we have at Holy Trinity.

A short list of these activities and ministries include Saturday evening and Sunday morning worship services; Sunday school for all ages; vocal and handbell choirs for all ages; devotional groups for men and women; morning Bible studies, evening Bible studies; Vacation Bible School; potluck dinners and concerts; pastoral visits and counseling; Christophers; Dinner’s Ready and the list goes on!

Enclosed with this letter are a Financial Gift card and a Simply Giving information packet. As Commitment Weekend approaches, we ask you to reflectively pray about the financial gift you pledge. Your financial commitment to Holy Trinity is vital and necessary to God’s kingdom work in this congregation and should be made with guidance from the Lord. During that weekend, you will be able to place your written pledge commitment in the Jehoida Chest before the altar.

We pray that you discern the Holy Spirit leading you as you reflect on your gifts to his ministry through Holy Trinity. May our Heavenly Father continue to richly bless you.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Michael Tavella
Pastor Amanda Grimmer
Linda Bell-Powell, Chair, Stewardship Team

Why it is important that you give to Holy Trinity

In committing to spread the Word of God and witness to Gods plan for all people, the members of Holy Trinity have set up our ministry at 2086 Parkview Avenue.

  • We occupy a wonderful church that allows us to gather for worship throughout the week.
  • We have an extensive annex that supports fellowship, outreach, education and administrative efforts.
  • We are able to service the community by offering the building up for great causes like AA, Inter-Faith Food Cupboard and a polling place for the elections.

How do we fund these efforts?

God has spoken in Deuteronomy …

22 Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year. 23 Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the LORD your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the LORD your God always. 24 But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the LORD your God and cannot carry your tithe (because the place where the LORD will choose to put his Name is so far away), 25 then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the LORD your God will choose. 26 Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice.

Deuteronomy 14:22-29 (New International Version)

We support these efforts through the generous contributions of the members of Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. God has given to the families of Holy Trinity abundantly and in return His generosity is recognized through the giving of a tithe back to His Church.

In God’s Word He has even provided instruction on how to deal with the “mobile” church, one that finds it members traveling about and often away from home for long stretches of time. In looking at the solution today we offer up Simply Giving as that vehicle. Simply Giving allows you to uphold our responsibility to the Church through automated giving.

Simply Giving

Holy Trinity has partnered with Vanco Services to bring Simply Giving to the families of Holy Trinity.

What is Simply Giving?

It is a convenient, safe, and simple way for you to handle church offerings through electronic fund transfers directly from your checking or savings account. This automated program allows payments to be deposited directly into Holy Trinity’s account on a steady, uninterrupted basis, providing the church with greater financial stability, less bookkeeping, and more confidence in meeting financial obligations. Many people already know how convenient electronic fund transfers are in paying bills and simplifying their records.

How does Simply Giving work?

Church members who wish to give their offering through electronic transfer fill out a Member Enrollment and Authorization Form, indicating the amount they wish to have withdrawn and the frequency – weekly (Monday), semi-monthly (1st and 15th), or monthly (1st or 15th). They also attach a voided check or savings deposit slip. These forms may be placed in the Jehoiada Chest at a service on the second Sunday in November, turned in to the church office, mailed to the church office, or placed in the offering plate at any time. The church submits this information to Vanco Services, LLC, a Minnesota-based financial-technology services company. Member Enrollment & Authorization Forms may be picked up in the narthex (church lobby) or from our parish secretary at any time.

Who sees the information on the Member Enrollment and Authorization Form?

The church secretary and financial secretary process these forms for Holy Trinity and keep this information confidential. Vanco Services, LLC employees who process the information at their end are bonded and have signed confidentiality agreements. None of the participant information is shared with any other organization.

How much does this program cost?

All Simply Giving transaction fees are paid by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Donors pay nothing to use this service.

Is there a minimum amount?

Yes. $5 is the minimum amount per transaction.

If participants have a joint signature account, do both parties need to sign the form?

Only one signature is required.

How do church members participate in weekly offering?

You may request a supply of Simply Giving stickers from the church office. You can place one of these stickers on your offering envelope and place the empty envelope in the offering plate.

How do participants change the amount, account and/or frequency of their contribution, and how quickly is it processed?

You can change the amount, the account from which it is withdrawn, and/or the frequency of withdrawal by completing a new authorization form. You request this form from the church office, fill it out, and return it. If you are changing the account, you must also attach a voided check or withdrawal slip. Within a week, your request is faxed and processed.

When and where should I turn in my Member Enrollment and Authorization Form?

You may bring your completed form with the attached voided check or deposit slip to one of the worship services during Commitment Weekend, the second weekend in November. A time will be provided at each worship service to place your information in the Jehoiada chest. Or you may place your information in the offering plate at any worship service that is convenient for you. Or you may bring it or mail it to the church office at any time.

How do participants keep a record of the amounts they have contributed?

The participant’s bank statement will include an itemized list of all electronic fund transfers from their account. A record of these transactions will also be provided on annual offering statements.

What if a transaction is rejected due to non-sufficient funds, closed account, etc.?

This information will be e-mailed or faxed to the congregation immediately after Vanco Services, LLC receives notification from the bank. The church financial secretary will contact the person to determine together how to proceed.

What are some banking advantages for using electronic fund transfers for church contributions?

Electronic fund transfers are safe, reliable, and convenient. All such transfers are governed by strict national rules and guidelines set by the Automated Clearing House Network and governed by Regulation E of the Federal Reserve. More than four billion electronic fund transfers are processed annually in the United States. This process is more efficient, more secure, and less expensive than credit card transactions and more efficient and timely than check collection.

Holy Trinity’s History with Simply Giving

Some years ago, our Church Council and finance-people examined this program and found it to be a good one. Since then Simply Giving has been offered as a way that members could support Holy Trinity’s ministries.

Our financial gifts through the Church are a response to God’s abundant gifts to us. Ministries flourish at Holy Trinity because of your faithful giving in response to the gifts of God.

In gratitude for your own good fortune you must render in return some sacrifice of your life for another.
–Albert Schweitzer

The life worth living is giving for the good of others.
— Booker T. Washington

We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.
— Billy Graham

Gratitude is the heart’s memory.
— French Proverb

The time is always right to do what is right.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.

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