Update from Nifas Silk (Mekane Yesus), April 2017
April 10, 2017
Dear Pastors Amanda and Michael and Congregation of Holy Trinity,
We extend our warm greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
You are in our prayers and discussion points and we always thank the Lord for your prayers and support as well. It was with enthusiasm and great expectations we started our services and the children and youth services were going very well. Let me kindly indicate the activities below.
First Report (November 2016 – February 2017)
As usual the Christmas eve and Sunday services for children went very well. The youth in particular were organized in 4 groups of choir and were participating and presenting their music every month. A one day workshop for youth was also conducted on growing in faith.
A short drama entitled “There was no place for baby Jesus except the manger” was presented. We see two pictures of the youth in front of the manger singing.
The next big activity was training of Sunday school teachers. This was necessary as few Sunday school teachers (youth) were leaving the congregation for colleges and replacement was necessary. Of course some new recruits’ adult members were also included in the training. This training was also conducted in the congregation by inviting an instructor and provision of lunch and refreshments. You can see pictures 3,4 and 5 attached.
In His Service,
Telahun Teka Wolde (MD, MPH)
Update from Nifas Silk (Mekane Yesus), September 2016
Dear Pastors Amanda and Michael, and Congregation of Holy Trinity
We extend our warm greetings to you in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
It was a lovely Saturday July 30th service we as a family (Betelhem, Deborah, Mary and myself) attended at Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church. We were pleased to greet the congregation and extend the greetings of Nifas Silk Mekane Yesus Congregation of Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Mekane Yesus as well. We were delighted to be part of the family of our both churches. It was also noted in your church bulletin that you remember Nifas Silk congregation in your list of prayers for which we are grateful. God bless you indeed. We also enjoyed the company and your hospitality. We are also very grateful for the delicious dinner you kindly offered at the restaurant nearby. We hope to visit you once again if God willing next year.
3rd Quarter Report (May-June-July)
This period is rainy season in Ethiopia and schools are closed and we take this opportunity to give refreshing trainings to Sunday school teachers. This was an opportunity to transfer creative skill and pedagogical for old and new group of teachers. Some of the instructors are university students who com for vacation and are included in the group to assist during the vacation.
It was also customary to give rainy season bible courses for all age groups of children. This time it was organized for three consecutive full days. The participation by all age groups of children was very good and their respective teachers were also present to get more insight. At the end of the session, there was also a concluding story telling session with simulation and a presentation by a teacher.
Please see the pictures attached.
1. Sunday school teachers on training session (1)

2. Sunday school teachers participating (1)

3. Children rainy season bible classes (3)
In His Service,
Telahun Teka Wolde (MD, MPH)
Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health
Mobile| +251 911 254270 or
+251 943 178996
email: tteka57@yahoo.com or
Update from Nifas Silk, May 2016
Dear Pastors Amanda and Michael, and Congregation of Holy Trinity,
We extend our greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It was interesting to note that the children and youth ministry is going very well. There is a plan to train more families to be engaged in teaching children as the number of children joining Sunday school is increasing. The numbers of children are close to the number of communicant members of our congregation i.e close to 200. We trust the Lord give us wisdom and time to address all these children and support them grow in the Lord.
In February, March, and April 2016, the main event has been celebrating Easter. Actually Ethiopian Easter took place on First of May. Good Friday was on 29th of April. The Easter eve was celebrated with candles, singing by families and youth group. As usual on Easter Sunday over thirty thousand evangelical churches were in the stadium to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The city mayor, government representatives and evangelical churches leaders and invited Ethiopian from diaspora attended the festivity. This time the evangelical Christians prayed for the country for rain in particular as drought was looming in some parts of the country.
The Sunday school children and their teachers had a day long time of playing and fellowshipping by travelling 45 km from Addis Ababa to Bishoftu. Bishoftu has seven lakes and the children spent near one of the lakes (Babogaya) and later on visited an art gallery. Please see the pictures and hope to show the glimpse of the activities.
1. Family singing on Easter eve
2. Youth group singing on Easter eve
3. Traveling to Bishoftu
4. Children near the lake side
5. Children and their teachers vising an art gallery
Thank you so much for your support.
Telahun Teka, Prof.
Chairperson of Nifas Silk Congregation
Thank-You from Nifas Silk
History of our Relationship with Nifas Silk and First Lutheran, Kirkland, Illinois
The North American Lutheran Church has a special relationship with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY). In February 2011, Pastor Mandy was able to be part of an NALC delegation that attended the big International Theological Confefence in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Judi Reeder came along and was Pastor Mandy’s roommate. It was so inspirational that words cannot begin to describe it, although Pastor Mandy tried to put the experience into words in her presentation when she returned to Holy Trinity. Indy Kidanewald, the group’s tour guide and shepherd, pointed out to the group the square where Christians were shot by the Communists for their faith. This happened every Tuesday for years and years under the Communist regime. But in spite of the persecution, the Ethiopian Lutheran Church is today the largest Lutheran Church in Africa.
Between 2011 and 2012, the women of Holy Trinity worked very hard, under the leadership of Heidi Simmons, to make many, many “Little Dresses for Africa.” When they were completed, the women of Holy Trinity had a “fashion show” of the dresses they had made, using their children as models:
In 2012, Pastor Mandy returned to Ethiopia, and was able to hand-deliver the little dresses Heidi Simmons and so many of the women of our congregation had sewn. She accompanied Pastor Carl Rasmussen of First Lutheran Church Kirkland Illinois to Nifas Silk, a Mekane Yesus congregation in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Holy Trinity gave “little dresses” to the women and children of Nifas Silk from Holy Trinity, Abington, and Pastor Rasmussen brought them a Communion Set from First Lutheran, Kirkland, Illinois. First Lutheran could not afford to give Nifas Silk any financial gifts, but they wanted to be in a relationship with a global partner; Holy Trinity could afford to give annual financial gifts, and did not mind at all sharing Nifas Silk with First Lutheran, Kirkland. Holy Trinity had been looking for a Sister Congregation in Africa and found one in Nifas Silk. We were delighted when their Council President came to visit us at Holy Trinity, here in the States. (And He has been to the States several times since 2012.)
The following YouTube video is part of Pastor Mandy’s presentation:
Although it was not until Mid-December of 2012 before the Mekane Yesus denomination gave the official OK to this relationship between the three congregations, all three of us have been praying for each other each week in the Prayer of the Church since April 2012.